
After saying I would create a website for several months, I finally did it! Many thanks to Lauren for the tutorial and to Nat for creating the header design and helping me get things moving. I feel like a real writer now. Professional with a side of shenanigans.

I don’t have anything groundbreaking to say just yet, but I’m excited to be here. I come from years of book blogging, so I kind of know what I’m doing. And as with book blogging, I will no doubt disappear for lengths at a time. When that happens, you can find me on Twitter @jmillwrites where I obsessively scream about my talented writer friends and share pieces of my own journey/writing as well. I have an Instagram under the same account name, where you can find pictures of cross stitching, travel, my dog, and bookish-related things.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if there’s anything you’d like to see on this blog or if you have any questions. Looking forward to connecting with y’all and writing real blog posts soon!


How I Got My Agent